Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Projeitu ne’e Hanesan Ponte Ida Atu Bele Prepara Lideransa Feto iha Nivel Suku

Naturalidade kultural patriakal iha sosiedade TL hamosu mos disigualdade jeneru bainhira feto sira marjinalizadu laos deit iha sira nia asesu ba serbisu sira maibe mos iha sira nia partisipasaun efeitivu iha politika no foti desizaun. Reprezentante feto 29% iha Parlamentu Nasional no 27.6% iha Konselhu Suku nian, tamba asaun afirmativu husi Lei Eleitoral 2006 nian no ba Eleisaun Konselhu Suku 2004-2005 nian. Maski nune feto sira sei falta komunikasaun, konfiansa, konesementu no abilidade atu involve di-diak iha no influensia rekonstrusaun hafoin konflitu no prosesu harii nasaun ne’ebe responsive ba sira nia nesesidade. Maski feto Timor hasoru problema maibe la hapara movimentu feto atu bele liberta husi violasaun no disigualdade.

Iha fulan Outobru 2008, Rede Feto asina kontratu ho UNDEF no UNIFEM kona-ba hametin feto nia funsaun liu-liu iha nivel Konselhu Suku. Projeitu sei uja elisaun Konsellu Suku iha tinan 2009 hanesan opurtunidade estratejiku ida hodi hametin partisipasaun feto sira nian iha harii nasaun hafoin liu tiha konflitu iha Timor Leste no dezenvolve ajenda rekontruksaun ne’ebe responsive ba janeru iha nivel lokal.

Eleisaun lokal ne’ebe halao tiha ona iha tinan 2004-2005 reinforsa opurtunidade ba fortalesimentu feto sira nian iha politiku. Durante eleisaun lokal iha tina 2004-2005, feto sira hetan kampanha ba posisaun hanesan Xefi Suku no Xefi Aldeia no reprezentante ba Konselhu Suku. Feto hamutuk nain 29 mak eleitu ona, kompostu husi Xefi Suku nain 7 no Xefi Aldeia nain 22. Feto liu nain 1300 mak eleitadu ona hanesan membru Konselhu Suku nian, ida ne’e mosu hanesan resultadu ida husi pozisaun tolu ne’ebe reserva ba feto sira atu tu’ur iha kada Konselhu Suku nian (feto nain rua no representante foin-sae feto ida).

Hafoin halao tiha eleisaun, projeitu ne’e sei apoio ajenda dezenvolvimentu lokal ne’ebe responsive ba jeneru liu husi hadia konesementu no abilidade Konseleiru Suku eleitadu feto sira hodi bele partisipa iha governasaun lokal no iha implementasaun planu dezenvolvimentu lokal ne’ebe responsive ba jeneru. Projeitu ne’e mos sei promove plataforma politika rekontruksaun ne’ebe responsive ba jeneru hodi liga ofisial eleitadu sira iha nivel nasional no Konselhu Suku feto sira ne’ebe eleitadu hodi haforsa liu tan apoio no dialogu entre feto eleitadu sira ne’e.

Rede Feto hanesan organizasaun ne’ebe hetan fiar atu bele implementa programa ida ne’e halao ona atividade preparasaun. Rede Feto liu husi membru nain 4 hanesan PAS, GFFTL, UNFETIF no Centru Feto Enklave Oecusse serbisu ba suksesu programa ida ne’e. Lansamentu ba projeitu ne’e rasik halao ona iha fulan ida ne’e no hetan antusiasmu maka’as husi autoridade lokal iha distritu 4. Sra. Eveline Iman hanesan koordenador ba projeitu ida ne’e hatete katak projeitu ida ne’e atu lider lokal iha distritu 4 ne’e bele hatene no halao kolaborasaun hamutuk ho membru nain 4 husi Rede Feto ne’ebe implementa programa.

Hare ba objetivu, projeitu ne’e hanesan ponte ida atu bele prepara lideransa feto iha nivel suku inklui mos prepara ba kuantidade no kualidade feto hira tu’ur iha Konselhu Suku. Preparasaun ba rekursu umanu liu-liu ba feto sai importante atu bele kria lideransa feto ne’ebe forte atu bele lori asuntu feto laos deit iha Konselhu Suku maibe mos bele lori asuntu ida ne’e to’o Parlamentu Nasional.

Projeitu ida ne’e implementa iha distritu ha’at hanesan Ermera, Oecusse, Lautem no Viqueque. Distritu hirak ne’e identifika ona tamba disparidade jeneru ne’ebe aas iha area edukasaun no saude, nivel violensia seksual no violensia baseia ba jeneru a’as tebes liu-liu kazu violensia domestika no asesu ne’ebe limitadu ba sistema justisa formal no feto sira sadere deit ba justisa tradisional. Nune’e mos, distritu Viqueque hanesan lokalidade pilotu ne’ebe implementa ona Programa Apoiu Governasaun Lokal (LGSP) iha ne’e mos Konselhu Suku sei iha oportunidade atu influensia ajenda dezenvovimentu lokal husi perspektiva jeneru.

Projeitu ne’e sei baseia eisperiensia no rede hirak iha Programa Atu Hametin Lideransa Feto Rural sira nian no Partisipasaun hodi hari nasaun Timor Leste (PERWL) iha tinan 2004-2007. ***

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Tuir mandatu ne’ebé fó kompetensia ba REDE FETO, iha loron 12 fulan Dezembru 2007, Reuniaun Anual Rede Feto desidi fórma Komisaun Organizadora (KO) espesiazada atu halao III Kongresu Feto Timorense ho tema “Feto nia visaun ba iha Dezenvolvimento Nasional”. Terseiro Kongresu Feto Timor fahe iha prosesu 2 maka (1) Konferensia Distrital no (2) Kongersu Nasioanl.l Konferensia Distrital huhu iha fulan Junho 2008 no organiza husi organizasaun membru Rede Feto.

Objetivu husi III Kongresu Feto Timor Leste maka : (1) Atu evalua seksesu no disvantagen husi objectivu Plata Fórma de Asaun (POA) II Kongresu Nasional Feto Timor Leste iha tinan 2004 -2008. (2) Atu identifika nesecidade no problema foun ne’ebé inan feton sira hasoru; (3) Atu asegura katak stakeholder sira bele iha komitmentu atu implementa POA husi Kongresu Nasional ba dala tolu. (4) Atu hari groupu monitorizasaun ne’ebé sei asegura implementasaun POA tuir duni plano ne’ebé iha.

Iha fulan Marsu to’o Maio, Komisaun Organizadora hamutuk ho Orgaun Executiva Rede Feto, halo preparasaun ba konferensia Distrital, hanesan halo regulamentu ba konferensia Distrital, hanesan halo regulamentu ba kongresu, halo lobby ho Ministru sira ne’ebé atu sai orador iha konferencia, halo lobby ba fasilitador husi Timor Aid maka hetan Senhor Alex Gusmao ne’ebé sei fó treinamentu ba fasilitador ne’ebé kompostu husi membru rasik. Treinamentu ne’e halo durante loron lima nia laran komesan iha dia 30 de Abril to’o fali iha 4 de Maio ho objectivu atu hetan fasilitador ne’ebé diak atu bele fasilita fali fasilitador sira husi Distritu.

Konferensia Distrital hala’o iha semana tolu nia laran komesa iha loron 9 to’o 27 Junho 2008 iha distrito 13 ho tema “ Feto nian Vizaun ba Iha Desenvolvimentu Nasional”. Organizasaun membrus ne’ebé organiza atividade hirak ne’e mak hanesan OPMT organiza iha distrito Oequsse, Viqueque, Baucau, Organizasaun APSC-TL iha distrito Maliana no Suai, Organizasaun OMT iha distrito Aileu, Fundasaun Alola iha distrito Manufahi, Sta. Bakhita iha distrito Manatuto, FMF iha distritu Liquica, PAS iha distrito Lospalos no Dili, Caucus iha distrito Ainaro. Resultado hosi Konferensia Distrital ne’e sei lori mai Kongreso Nasional sei halao iha fulan Setembru. Konferensia Distrital hetan partisipasaun husi 1.776 partisipantes husi representantes feto husi suco, autoridade distrital, UNPOL, PNTL, organizasaun sosiedade sivil, groupu feto, representante relijioso no feto ne’ebé tuur iha Konselhu de Suco inklui mos organizasaun membru Rede Feto.

Isu foun barak mosu durante halao Konferensia Distrital. Feto barak ijiji Governu TL tenke tau matan ba area rural ne’ebé enfrenta problema oin-oin, husi problema uma laran too problema infraestrutura atu bele lori sira nia produtu lokal ba faan. Fatin barak riku ho sira nia produtu lokal maibe susar iha bele faan tamba problema estrada, ponte no transporte. Problema ne’e fó impaktu ba serbisu autoridade lokal iha nivel distrital no sub-distrital liu liu iha area saude, edukasaun, ekonomia no komunikasaun. Iha parte seluk, setor justisa liuliu ba prosesu iha tribunal sai preokupasaun boot ba feto vitima husi violensia atu bele hetan justica.

Konferencia Distrital remata ho diak, meske hetan asidente iha Distritu Maliana maibe , membru sira sei kontinua halo sira nia responsabelidade to’o konferencia ne’e remata. Bazeia husi Konferencia Distrital membru sira ne’ebé kaer responsabelidade hatama ona resultau konferencia no relatorio narativo mai orgaun executiva.

Bazia ba resultadu konferensia, Komisaun organizadora no Orgaun Executiva Rede Feto sei servisu hamutuk ho Asesora nai neen husi; UNIFEM Senhora Dianne, husi Pregressio Senhora Edna S. Tesoro, husi Gender Advisor AECID Timor Leste Senhora Matha Barral Nieto, husi Nasonal Parlament Senhora Endah Trista Agustiana, husi SEPI senhora Monica da Costa no ikus husi; Ministeiru Agrikultura Senhora Kanchan Lama. Asesora nai neen ne’e maka sei analiza fali resultadu sira ne’e no sei lori ba diskuti iha Kongresu Nasisonal.

Konferencia distrital no Kongresu Nasional ne’e hetan suporta makas husi doadores hanesan: Oxfam Australia, Caritas Australia, UNIFEM, GTZ, Embazada Norwegia, The Asia Foundation, Secretaria Promosaun Igualdade (SEPI), UNFPA , Trocaire, Blue Mountains Sisters, ETWA Australia, no Canadian Catholic Organisation for Development and Peace.***


Tuir mandatu ne’ebé fó kompetensia ba REDE FETO, iha loron 12 fulan Dezembru 2007, Reuniaun Anual Rede Feto desidi fórma Komisaun Organizadora (KO) espesiazada atu halao III Kongresu Feto Timorense ho tema “Feto nia visaun ba iha Dezenvolvimento Nasional”. Terseiro Kongresu Feto Timor fahe iha prosesu 2 maka (1) Konferensia Distrital no (2) Kongersu Nasioanl.l Konferensia Distrital huhu iha fulan Junho 2008 no organiza husi organizasaun membru Rede Feto.

Objetivu husi III Kongresu Feto Timor Leste maka : (1) Atu evalua seksesu no disvantagen husi objectivu Plata Fórma de Asaun (POA) II Kongresu Nasional Feto Timor Leste iha tinan 2004 -2008. (2) Atu identifika nesecidade no problema foun ne’ebé inan feton sira hasoru; (3) Atu asegura katak stakeholder sira bele iha komitmentu atu implementa POA husi Kongresu Nasional ba dala tolu. (4) Atu hari groupu monitorizasaun ne’ebé sei asegura implementasaun POA tuir duni plano ne’ebé iha.

Iha fulan Marsu to’o Maio, Komisaun Organizadora hamutuk ho Orgaun Executiva Rede Feto, halo preparasaun ba konferensia Distrital, hanesan halo regulamentu ba konferensia Distrital, hanesan halo regulamentu ba kongresu, halo lobby ho Ministru sira ne’ebé atu sai orador iha konferencia, halo lobby ba fasilitador husi Timor Aid maka hetan Senhor Alex Gusmao ne’ebé sei fó treinamentu ba fasilitador ne’ebé kompostu husi membru rasik. Treinamentu ne’e halo durante loron lima nia laran komesan iha dia 30 de Abril to’o fali iha 4 de Maio ho objectivu atu hetan fasilitador ne’ebé diak atu bele fasilita fali fasilitador sira husi Distritu.

Konferensia Distrital hala’o iha semana tolu nia laran komesa iha loron 9 to’o 27 Junho 2008 iha distrito 13 ho tema “ Feto nian Vizaun ba Iha Desenvolvimentu Nasional”. Organizasaun membrus ne’ebé organiza atividade hirak ne’e mak hanesan OPMT organiza iha distrito Oequsse, Viqueque, Baucau, Organizasaun APSC-TL iha distrito Maliana no Suai, Organizasaun OMT iha distrito Aileu, Fundasaun Alola iha distrito Manufahi, Sta. Bakhita iha distrito Manatuto, FMF iha distritu Liquica, PAS iha distrito Lospalos no Dili, Caucus iha distrito Ainaro. Resultado hosi Konferensia Distrital ne’e sei lori mai Kongreso Nasional sei halao iha fulan Setembru. Konferensia Distrital hetan partisipasaun husi 1.776 partisipantes husi representantes feto husi suco, autoridade distrital, UNPOL, PNTL, organizasaun sosiedade sivil, groupu feto, representante relijioso no feto ne’ebé tuur iha Konselhu de Suco inklui mos organizasaun membru Rede Feto.

Isu foun barak mosu durante halao Konferensia Distrital. Feto barak ijiji Governu TL tenke tau matan ba area rural ne’ebé enfrenta problema oin-oin, husi problema uma laran too problema infraestrutura atu bele lori sira nia produtu lokal ba faan. Fatin barak riku ho sira nia produtu lokal maibe susar iha bele faan tamba problema estrada, ponte no transporte. Problema ne’e fó impaktu ba serbisu autoridade lokal iha nivel distrital no sub-distrital liu liu iha area saude, edukasaun, ekonomia no komunikasaun. Iha parte seluk, setor justisa liuliu ba prosesu iha tribunal sai preokupasaun boot ba feto vitima husi violensia atu bele hetan justica.

Konferencia Distrital remata ho diak, meske hetan asidente iha Distritu Maliana maibe , membru sira sei kontinua halo sira nia responsabelidade to’o konferencia ne’e remata. Bazeia husi Konferencia Distrital membru sira ne’ebé kaer responsabelidade hatama ona resultau konferencia no relatorio narativo mai orgaun executiva.

Bazia ba resultadu konferensia, Komisaun organizadora no Orgaun Executiva Rede Feto sei servisu hamutuk ho Asesora nai neen husi; UNIFEM Senhora Dianne, husi Pregressio Senhora Edna S. Tesoro, husi Gender Advisor AECID Timor Leste Senhora Matha Barral Nieto, husi Nasonal Parlament Senhora Endah Trista Agustiana, husi SEPI senhora Monica da Costa no ikus husi; Ministeiru Agrikultura Senhora Kanchan Lama. Asesora nai neen ne’e maka sei analiza fali resultadu sira ne’e no sei lori ba diskuti iha Kongresu Nasisonal.

Konferencia distrital no Kongresu Nasional ne’e hetan suporta makas husi doadores hanesan: Oxfam Australia, Caritas Australia, UNIFEM, GTZ, Embazada Norwegia, The Asia Foundation, Secretaria Promosaun Igualdade (SEPI), UNFPA , Trocaire, Blue Mountains Sisters, ETWA Australia, no Canadian Catholic Organisation for Development and Peace.***

Kongresu Nasional, Mata Dalan Ba Dezenvolvimentu Feto Timor

Molok hakotu tiha Referendum iha loron 30 Agustu 1999, feto barak maka sai vítima ba prosesu Ukun Rasik An, hasoru susar no terus oi-oin, laiha linha orientadora ida atu fó atendimentu diak ba sira nia situasaun. Nudar nasaun foun, Timor Leste iha dizafiu boot atu bele mudansa husi sistema kolonialismu no okupasaun militar ne’ebe fó impaktu boot ba mentalidade ita nia nasaun. Sistema feodal no patriakal metin nafatin iha komunidade nia leet, ne’e hatudu mai ita, diskriminasaun ba feto buras nafatin iha Timor. Maski isue igualdade jéneru sai ona hanesan priodade nasional maibe feto nafatin tu’ur nafatin iha segunda klase no sai vitima bebeik. Hafoin libertasaun nasional, feto nia luta maka luta atu bele asegura partisipasaun feto iha dezenvolvimentu nasional hodi nune’e bele hasai feto nia status sosial.

Klaru iha artigu 17 Konstituisaun RDTL katak feto no mane iha direito no dever hanesan iha moris uma laran, sosial ekonomiku no politiku. Konvensaun CEDAW mos garantia feto livre husi diskriminasaun oin-oin maibe diskriminasaun ba feto buras nafatin. Ba ida ne’e, presiza atensaun maka’as husi feto sira. Hakarak ka lakohi, feto hotu tenki fó liman ba malu hodi bele hakat husi diskriminasaun no violensia. Rede Feto hanesan organizasaun Salurik ba organizasaun feto 18 fó ona komitmentu maxima atu bele halao mudansa ba kondisaun feto Timor. Kongresu Nasional ba Feto Timor Leste hanesan dalan ida ba Rede Feto atu bele fó fatin no tempo ba feto sira bele hasoru malu, foti kestoens prioritarias no halao analize profundu ba nia implementasaun.

Liu husi Primeiro Kongresu Feto, Rede Feto hetan konfiansa boot atu bele organiza Kongresu Feto dala ida iha periodu tinan ha’at nia laran. Husi Kongresu Feto Timor, Rede Feto bele foti desizaun liuhosi rekomendasaun ba problema feto no hato’o ba Instituisaun ne’ebé kompetente hanesan : Presidente Repúblika, Governo no Parlamento Nasional nune bele hadia’a sistema nomos hadia’a moris povo nian.

Primeiro Kongresu Feto Timor Leste (KNF-TL1) halao iha loron 14 - 17 Junhu 2000 partisipa husi 500 partisipante. Kongresu ida ne’e foti isue sentrais hanesan direitus umanus no rekonsiliasaun; situasaun judisial, politik no governasaun; sosial no kultural; ekonomia; groupu vurnerable, media no komunikasaun; agrikultura; saude; no edukasaun. Durante kongresu, partisipante identifika problema feto nomos asaun kongkreta atu bele hatan ba problema ne’ebé mosu iha sira nia le’et. Rekomendasaun husi premeiru kongresu tau iha dokumento final hanaran Plataforma Asaun ba Feto Timor Leste 2000-2004..

Iha fulan Julhu 2004, Rede Feto organiza Kongresu Nasional Feto Timor Leste ba Dala II (KNF-TL 2) ho tema”Halao Dezenvolvimentu no Halakon Mukit”. Kongresu ne’e hanesan prosesu ida atu mobilisa feto Timor-Leste hodi kria agenda ba empodera feto iha Plataforma de Asaun (POA). Planeamentu ba Segundu Kongresu Feto hahu husi enkontru Assembleia Geral iha fulan Agostu 2003. Implementasaun husi kongresu ida ne’e liuhusi fase rua; (1) Kongresu Regional, no (2) Kongresu Nasional. Maizumenus total 1000 partisipantes inklui 10% mane partisipa iha Kongresu Regional ne’ebe halao durante loron 3 iha region 4 ; Ainaro, Baucau, Dili no Liquica. Kongresu iha nivel nasional rasik halao iha loron 27-31 Julhu 2004. Primeiro Ministro TL. Sr. Mari Alkatiri, akompanya husi Bispo Diocese de Dili, Mgr Ricardo, Panglima F-FDTL Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, Sra. Assessora Promoção de Igualdade, halao abertura official ba Kongresu Nasional ida ne’e. Maizemenus 500 delegadus husi distritu 13 inklui mane 10 % partisipa iha kongresu ne’e. Hafoin loron ha’at halao debates delegadus sira finalize no aprova segundu Plataforma de Assaun 2004 – 2008.

Husi Baze, Konferensia Distrital no Plataforma de Asaun 2008-2012

Kongresu Nasional Feto Timor Leste hanesan loron final husi atividade ne’ebé durante fulan tolu halao husi Rede Feto Timor Leste no nia membru. Delegadas husi distritu hotu-hotu lori sira nia aspirasaun feto distrital inklui feto rural sira tama ba fase final atu bele kolia kona-ba kondisaun feto aktual no responde feto nia problema liuhusi plataforma ida.

Durante loron tolu, maizemenus 260 stakeholder inklui mos feto 65 husi distritu 13 no partisipante 36 husi Rede Feto, tur hamutuk iha GMT-Dili hodi hare fali Plataforma Asaun 2004-2008 no desidi asaun foun hodi hatan ba problema feto Timor Leste. Kongresu Nasional ne’e rasik hahu komesa loron 10 – 12 fulan Setembru 2008 no loke abertura husi Presidente Parlamentu Nasional, Fernando Lasama Araujo.

Durante loke abertura, Fernando Lasama de Araujo husu ba feto kongresista sira atu bele buka mekanismu komunikasaun atu informasaun kona ba kongresu ne’e bele to’o mos iha nivel sucos ne’eba. Fernando mos hatutan katak sei iha diskrimanasaun iha ita nia le’et tamba ne’e hare’e didiak atu ita bele kura hamutuk.

Seremonia abertura mos partisipa husi Premeiro-Ministro Xanana Gusmao, Chefe UNMIT Atul Khare, Ministra Solidaridade Domingas Alves, Vise Ministro Ekonomi Rui Manuel Hanjam, Secretaria Estadu Para Promusaun Igualdade Idelta Maria Rodrigues, Provedoria Direitus Humanus Sebastiao Ximenes, Embasador Alemanha, Dir. Banku Mundial, Reprezentante UNIFEM Jean D’Cunha, Presidente board Rede Feto Maria Dias, Fasilitador sira, Board no Sekretariado Rede Feto, Doadores, observer, Organizasaun Nasional no Internasional, inklui mos media.

Durante deskursu, Kayrala Xanana Gusmao nudar Premeiro Ministro RDTL fó parabens ba feto tomak ne’ebé estabelese ona kongresu feto Timor Leste no husu ba kongresiste sira atu bele sukat hamutuk Plano de Asaun 2008-2012 para governu no sosiedade sivil bele lao hamutuk. Xanana Gusmao nudar chefe Governo mos promete iha tinan 2009, entre Governo IV Konstitusional no Sosiedade sivil sei lao hamutuk atu bele konkreta Plataforma Asaun 2008-2012.

“Hau husu ba ita bo’ot sira atu planu de asaun ne’e atu ita hotu sukat hamutuk hodi ita hotu atu la’o hamutuk. CEDAW hanesan konvensaun ne’ebé mak importante tebes atu sai sasukat ida ba ita nia planu asaun nian. karik ita nia planu ne’e falta de rekursu finanseiru, ita sei buka hamutuk”, haktuir Premeiro Ministro RDTL Xanana Gusmao.

Jean D’Cunha nudar Reprezentante UNIFEM nomos nudar orador iha loron primeiro ne’e kolia klean liutan kona-ba programa UNIFEM liuliu programa ne’ebé atu bele hapara violensia kontra feto.

“Iha Timor Leste nomos iha fatin hotu, igualdade feto hanesan atu hatete la’e ba violensia kontra feto, involve mane no sosiedade tomak atu hamosu konsiensia tomak atu haforsa feto atu ita bele kria sosiedade ne’ebé mak diak”, esplika Jean D’Cunha.

Depois abetura, programa kongresu iha loron primeiro ne’e kontinua ho apresentasaun material kona ba CEDAW, diskriminasaun kontra feto, prioridade desenvolvementu Governo ba futuru no apresentasaun Plataforma Asaun 2004-2008.

Tama ba loron segundu, Kongresu Nasional halao eleisaun atu hili feto nain 3 sai membru Tim Verafikasaun no feto nain 1 sai chair person, vice no secretariadu nain 2. Sira mos aprova regulasi kongresu nian ba loron 3 nian. Atu bele halao dikusaun klean liutan, kongresista sira fahe ba komisaun 2. Iha komisaun ida-ida halao diskusaun ba seitor 7 hanesan feto no edukasaun, feto no politik, feto no kultura, feto no media, feto no saude, feto no ekonomia, no feto no justisa. Iha diskusaun nia laran, sira halao konsilidasaun issue no halao rekomendasaun baseia resultadu husi Konferensia Distrital. Depois diskusaun remata, groupu ida ida tenke halao presentasaun ba sira nia diskusaun.

Maski issue barak tenke deskuti no buka solusaun, kongresista sira nafatin haforsa sira nia hanoin atu bele buka solusaun diak ba problema ne’ebé feto Timor Leste hasoru too loron ikus. Iha loron terseiru, kongresu nasional feto Timor Leste hasai no aprova sira nia deklarasaun baseia husi resultadu husi diskusaun loron segundu no terseiru. Iha loron ida ne’e mos, Jun Kukita husi UNICEF hatoo nia apresentasaun. Kongresu Feto ba dala III taka ho lian menon husi Sra. Maria Dias nudar Presidente Board Rede Feto.


Implementasaun husi Plataforma kongresu ba dala I no II hetan deit sukseu ne’ebé kiik, ida mak estabele loron 3 novembru sai hanesan loron nasional Feto Timor, kria assesora ida ba Promosaun Igualdade no ratifika konvensaun CEDAW. Maibe sei barak isu setor 7 sidauk bele implementa husi stakeholder sira. Lei violensia Domestika no Kodeku Penal ne’ebé fó benefisu diak ba feto seidauk bele implementa.

Kongresu Feto Timor Leste ba dala III lori aspasu foun ba ita atu bele akumula isu isu ne’ebé urgente atu bele hadia feto nia moris liu husi Plataforma Asaun. Ho Plataforma ida ne’e, ita bele lori feto nia kondisaun tuir ita nia hakarak, feto ne’ebé forte no la hatan diskriminasaun. Plataforma ida ne’e mos presisa dudu ba oin atu bele implementa iha programa hotu hotu liuliu iha programa governo nian. Atu bele implementa ho diak, presiza mos kria sistema ida atu bele halao monotorizasaun no evaluasaun.

Objectivu ida importante mak estabelese sistema monitorizasaun ba implementasaun Plataforma Asaun 2008 -2012. Sistema ne’e sei tau matan ba implementasaun POA baseia husi komitmentu stakeholder sira. Tim monitorizasaun kompostu husi sosiedade sivl, Governu Timor Leste, Parlament Nasional, UN ajencies no organizasan Internasional. Durante kongresu Nasional III, forum desidi Rede Feto sai hanesan koordenadora atu bele organiza tim ida ne’e.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


For many years women's organisations, governments, charities and public bodies around the world have worked tirelessly to provide significant leadership in supporting and coordinating high-impact International Women's Day events and initiatives. Below are some of the key organisations that to date have delivered considerable support and leadership for International Women's Day as we presently know it.

- Aurora
- Feminist Peace Network
- IANSA Women’s Network
- ISIS Australia
- IWD Toronto Committee
- LeicestHERday Trust UK
- Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
- UNIFEM and Women Watch (UN)
- World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts

If you believe that your organisation has consistently achieved more than any of the above organisations, please contact us for consideration in the list. Please include detailed information about all IWD activity to date, longevity of activity and relevant weblinks proving activity.
FEATURED GOVERNMENTS SUPPORTING IWDGovernments around the world view International Women's Day as an important opportunity to address the social, economic and political barriers, as well as achievements, of women. Below are the key governments from around the world who have actively and consistently supported International Women's Day.

- Australian Government
- Australian Capital Territory Government, Australia
- Government of Alberta, Canada
- Government of Ontario, Canada
- Government of Saskatchewan, Canada
- New South Wales Goverment, Australia
- New Zealand Government
- Queensland Government,
- United States Government
- Welsh Assembly Government, UK

If you believe that your government body has consistently achieved more than any of the above governments, please contact us for consideration in the list. Please include detailed information about all IWD activity to date, longevity of activity and relevant weblinks proving activity.
FEATURED UNIVERSITIES SUPPORTING IWDMany universities around the world have conducted important and insightful research into women's advancement and have used International Women's Day as a platform to provide useful events and opportunities to remind society of the facts about women's equality. Below are the key universities that have been most active to date in supporting International Women's Day.

- Bethlehem University, Israel- Boise State University, Idaho, US- London City & Islington College, UK- Fordham University, New York- Monash University, Australia- University of Colarado, US- University of Kansas, US - University of Minnesota, US - University of Vermont, US- University of Western Sydney, Australia

If you believe that your university has consistently achieved more than any of the above universities, please contact us for consideration in the list. Please include detailed information about all IWD activity to date, longevity of activity and relevant weblinks proving activity.
FEATURED MEDIA GROUPS COVERING IWDAnnual coverage of International Women's Day is significant, ranging from small editorials in provincial and regional newspapers through to large-scale indepth global specials and features. Below are the key media bodies who have covered International Women's Day most extensively to date.

- Aljazeera TV, Doha, Qatar- BBC, UK - Bloomberg, UK - Colorado Daily Newspaper, US- CNN, US- Guardian Newspapers Ltd, UK- KUJH-TV, Kansas, US- Radio Prague, Czech Republic- Reuters, UK - Women's Radio Fund, Vancouver, Canada


International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.
1908 Great unrest and critical debate was occurring amongst women. Women's oppression and inequality was spurring women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights.
1909 In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Woman's Day (NWD) was observed across the United States on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate NWD on the last Sunday of February until 1913.
1910 At a Socialist International meeting in Copenhagen, an International Women's Day of no fixed date was proposed to honour the women's rights movement and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women. Over 100 women from 17 countries unanimously agreed the proposal. 3 of these women were later elected the first women to the Finnish parliament.
1911 Following the decision agreed at Copenhagen in 1911, International Women's Day (IWD) was honoured the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March. More than one million women and men attended IWD rallies campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination. However less than a week later on 25 March, the tragic 'Triangle Fire' in New York City took the lives of more than 140 working women, most of them Italian and Jewish immigrants. This disastrous event drew significant attention to working conditions and labour legislation in the United States that became a focus of subsequent International Women's Day events. 1911 also saw women's 'Bread and Roses' campaign.
1913-1914 On the eve of World War I campaigning for peace, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February 1913. In 1914 further women across Europe held rallies to campaign against the war and to express women's solidarity.
1917 On the last Sunday of February, Russian women began a strike for "bread and peace" in response to the death over 2 million Russian soldiers in war. Opposed by political leaders the women continued to strike until four days later the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional Government granted women the right to vote. The date the women's strike commenced was Sunday 23 February on the Julian calendar then in use in Russia. This day on the Gregorian calendar in use elsewhere was 8 March.
1918 - 1999 Since its birth in the socialist movement, International Women's Day has grown to become a global day of recognition and celebration across developed and developing countries alike. For decades, IWD has grown from strength to strength annually. For many years the United Nations has held an annual IWD conference to coordinate international efforts for women's rights and participation in social, political and economic processes. 1975 was designated as 'International Women’s Year' by the United Nations. Women's organisations and governments around the world have also observed IWD annually on 8 March by holding large-scale events that honour women's advancement and while diligently reminding of the continued vigilance and action required to ensure that women's equality is gained and maintained in all aspects of life.
2000 - 2007 IWD is now an official holiday in Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The tradition sees men honouring their mothers, wives, girlfriends, colleagues, etc with flowers and small gifts. In some countries IWD has the equivalent status of Mother's Day where children give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers.
The new millennium has witnessed a significant change and attitudinal shift in both women's and society's thoughts about women's equality and emancipation. Many from a younger generation feel that 'all the battles have been won for women' while many feminists from the 1970's know only too well the longevity and ingrained complexity of patriarchy. With more women in the boardroom, greater equality in legislative rights, and an increased critical mass of women's visibility as impressive role models in every aspect of life, one could think that women have gained true equality. The unfortunate fact is that women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally women's education, health and the violence against them is worse than that of men.However, great improvements have been made. We do have female astronauts and prime ministers, school girls are welcomed into university, women can work and have a family, women have real choices. And so the tone and nature of IWD has, for the past few years, moved from being a reminder about the negatives to a celebration of the positives.

Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate their achievements. While there are many large-scale initiatives, a rich and diverse fabric of local activity connects women from all around the world ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities and networking events through to local women's craft markets, theatric performances, fashion parades and more.
Many global corporations have also started to more actively support IWD by running their own internal events and through supporting external ones. For example, on 8 March search engine and media giant Google even changes its logo on its global search pages. Corporations like HSBC host the UK's largest and longest running IWD event delivered by women's company Aurora. Last year Nortel sponsored IWD activities in over 20 countries and thousands of women participated. Nortel continues to connect its global workforce though a coordinated program of high-level IWD activity, as does Accenture both virtually and offline. Accenture supports more than 2,000 of its employees to participate in its International Women's Day activities that include leadership development sessions, career workshops and corporate citizenship events held across six continents - in eight cities in the United States and in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Spain, South Africa and the UK. Accenture also coordinated am IWD webcast featuring stories about Accenture women worldwide that ran uninterrupted for 30 hours across 11 time zones via Accenture's intranet. Year on year IWD is certainly increasing in status. The United States even designates the whole month of March as 'Women's History Month'.
So make a difference, think globally and act locally !! Make everyday International Women's Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.